"There are many gifts but the same Spirit." --Corinthians 12:4
We have many ministries available to the parishioners of St. Therese. These are ministries which are for your benefit, as well as available to you if you would like to volunteer to help in one of them.
On this website they have been divided into divisions, some of which have subdivisions. You can access the webpage for each by clicking on the ministry titles to the left:
School of Religious Education
R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)
Adult Confirmation
Adult Bible Study
Protecting God's Children (VIRTUS)
Youth Ministry
Youth Confirmation
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Lectors (Proclaimers of the Word)
Ushers (Greeters)
Sacristans (Preparation for the Mass)
Altar Servers (Assistance at the Altar)
Music Ministry (Choirs)
Altar Society (Maintenance of the Church / Environment)