W E L C O M E !

 For livestreamed Masses, click on the preferred link below:


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To see our last twelve bulletins online, click HERE.  They are available at this site as soon as they have been uploaded.

St. Therese Catholic Church 

Ministered by the Discalced Carmelite Friars:

Pastor: Fr. Peter Mary Vecellio, OCDPas 

 Church Address: 

1100 East Alhambra Road 

Alhambra, California   


Office (Mailing) Address:

510 North El Molino Street

Alhambra, California 91801

Our Lady of Mt. Carmel by Christina Yang


Under CONTACT can be found specific contact numbers for the priests, the staff, and the volunteer coordinators of our ministries and groups.  

If you are unsure about where to find the topic for which you are looking, click SEARCH and then enter a keyword.  All the locations where that subject is included will appear.


Under ABOUT US can be found the following topics:  Parish Mission & Vision Statements  *  History of St. Therese Parish *  Architect of St. Therese * Discalced Carmelite Friars 

Under OUR PATRONESS,  topics include: * Life of St. Therese of Lisieux  *  (Road to Sainthood) * Lives of the Parents of St. Therese * (Upcoming Canonization)  and * Lives of the Sisters of St. Therese  

Under REGISTER is information about registering at St.Therese Parish (including a form). 

MASS AND CONFESSION TIMES  (Mass/Conf) has its own link at the top of the page (Mass/Conf).  Under that, there are subheadings for information about Low-Gluten Communicants.   

Under SACRAMENTS, you can find information for Baptism, Funerals, First Communion, Confirmation for Youth, Confirmation for Adults, Weddings, and Anointing.of the Sick.

Under RELIGIOUS ED (Rel. Educ), you can find subheadings for the following:  School of Religious Ed (children through 8th Grade); RCIA; Adult Confirmation, Youth Confirmation (High School), VIRTUS (Protecting God's Children), Adult Bible Study, and Vacation Bible School 

Under the heading EVENTS, click on COMING UP for upcoming events, news, and announcements.

Under the heading MINISTRY can be found the following subjects:  

Liturgical Ministries (Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Ushers, Sacristans, Music Ministry, Altar Servers) 

Prayer & Devotion Ministries (Perpetual Adoration, Exposition & Benediction, Rosary Prayer Group (including information on how to say the Rosary, as well as meditations and pictures for each mystery), Legion of Mary, St. Joseph Prayer Group, First Friday Mass, Intercessors for Priests prayer group, the Order of Secular Carmelites; and the Divine Mercy Devotion); 

Respect Life Ministry (Articles written by Catherine Contreras (Respect Life Coordinator); Guadalupe Pregnancy Services [GPS]; and Natural Family Planning [NFP] 

Peace & Justice Ministries (Christian Service, Detention Ministry, Rosary Makers); 

Retreat Ministry (Men's Retreats, Women's Retreats),

Respect Life Ministry (pro-life events)

Avila Young Adults

Cor Jesu (youth and family ministry)

Under the heading  Q & A can be found various CATECHISM articles written or compiled by our staff about the Catholic Faith and Liturgy

Under MEDIA you can find several PHOTO albums containing pictures of parishioners and parish events, etc., Formed (free membership for videos, books, etc., and some of our videos)

Under PRAYERS:  Basic Catholic Prayers, Rosary Prayers, Novena Prayers, Prayers Composed by Saints, and Divine Mercy Prayers

Other headings are:

BULLETINS: Download PDF versions of the Sunday bulletin from January 2011 to the present); 

SUBMIT NEWS: Click on this to submit an announcement for the website

CALENDAR: This will take you to our online Google calendar of events.

CONTACTFind the phone numbers and emails for the Friars, the staff, and the volunteer heads of organizations.

SEARCH: If you're not sure where to find the subject you're interested in, use the search link to enter a key word and finds all the areas where that subject can be found.




Click the picture above to enlarge it. It includes a QR code so you can get your $5 family ticket (one tickets for everyone in your family who comes with you to the picnic.)

    Come enjoy a picnic with St. Therese Church and School families at Lacy Park (Section 6) in San Marino on Sunday, June 16, from Noon to 5:00 p.m. There will be food, games, social time, and lots of fun!  That day is also the 40th Anniversary of Fr. Stephen’s ORDINATION! (6/16/84) and FATHER’S DAY! 

Tickets per household/family are $5 each, and includes a boxed lunch for each person who attends with you. We also encourage you to BRING A PICNIC DISH TO SHARE. Tickets will be sold after the Masses each weekend leading up to the picnic, in the church office, and by scanning the QR in the flyer above (will take you to the RSVP site). The day will begin with our 9:00 a.m. Mass in the church--with all the former pastors from 1984 to 2023 coming to concelebrate--in honor of Fr. Stephen’s 40th Anniversary of Ordination!

If you'd like to volunteer to sell tickets after Mass or be a host at the picnic, etc., please email Fr. Stephen, c/o of the secretary's email (denisekay@hotmail.com)--with "PICNIC" in the subject line. 



Archbishop Jose Gomez will be here at St. Therese to celebrate a special Mass on Monday, June 17, at 5:00 p.m., as part of the celebration for our centennial year. All former St. Therese Pastors and all the Carmelite Friars have been invited to join us! Bishop Brian Nunes, our Regional Bishop, will also be concelebrating--as well as other archdiocesan priests from our deanery.  All are invited to attend this special Mass to pray for St. Therese Parish and all your needs. 




You are invited to come to the church for a weekly Holy Hour of Reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus  EVERY FRIDAY from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. in the church. (Click on the first image above to enlarge it for easy reading; click on the second image to take you to a site where you can purchase the booklet that will be used during the holy hour).




My Dear Parishioners of St. Therese:  

I want to address the recent document from The Holy See on the blessing of couples in irregular or same-sex relationships. Before proceeding, let it be said that it’s good for all of us to read the actual document and then read good commentaries on the document so that we’re not forming our opinions on false or misleading reporting. Doing so will also give us greater peace of mind and conviction to pray for our Church leaders. Below, I have provided links to the Vatican document along with three commentaries to aid you in this endeavor. They are all very thoughtful, fair, and critical—yet not mean-spirited.



1) https://www.firstthings.com/web-exclusives/2023/12/the-cost-of-making-a-mess

2) https://catholicherald.co.uk/fiducia-supplicans-an-exercise-in-smoke-and-mirrors-where-spin-becomes-substance-and-appearance-reality/

3) https://www.catholicworldreport.com/2023/12/23/fiducia-supplicans-appears-to-have-failed-spectacularly/

The first commentary is from Archbishop Emeritus Charles Chaput, the former Ordinary of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. One especially insightful excerpt from his essay reads: “The document is a doubleminded exercise in simultaneously affirming and undercutting Catholic teaching on the nature of blessings and their application to ‘irregular’ relationships. And it was quickly interpreted as a significant change in Church practice.”

The second article makes an important distinction between doctrine and practice: “The Vatican….has set out to appear to change the Church’s teaching without in fact changing it. The distinction is achieved by changing the practice but not the principle. Orthodoxy remains untarnished, but orthopraxy—correct practice and worship—has been subverted.”

I encourage you to read these articles along with The Holy See document so that you can formulate for yourselves an educated opinion. My personal synthesis of what I’ve read on this topic leads me to conclude that no matter how much Fiducia Supplicans reaffirms the teaching of the Church on marriage and the inability to bless sin, the actual practice of giving blessings to couples in irregular or same-sex relationships by its very action sends the opposite message, thus leading to more confusion and pastoral abuse. In spite of this, I want to encourage each of us not to allow this poorly conceived and executed document to rattle our faith as it does not change the perennial teaching of the Church on the sanctity of marriage between one man and one woman. More than anything, it should impel us even more to pray for our leaders. 

—Fr. Peter Mary, O.C.D. 



“O Lord, my God, I cried out to you for help and you healed me!”    -Psalm 30:3  

The Healing Prayer Ministry of St. Therese Church provides personal prayer for the Parish community.  You can find them after the Monday evening Mass (7:15 p.m.) in the church. They also offer private in-person sessions, phone sessions, and are available for outside events. Come and join! Thank you for your support! For more info, email hpmStc1@gmail.com.  


I attended a beautiful conference with Love and Responsibility LA and heard dynamic speakers on the topic of healing and loving authentically. I also was able to experience a very personal and powerful healing with the Healing Prayer Ministry from St. Therese Church from Alhambra. If your mind, body and soul need healing, I highly recommend this. After a tearful healing prayer session, I was filled with so much love and peace that only our Lord Jesus can give. Thank you, St Therese Church, and thank you, Jesus, for loving me and making me feel worthy of this kind of love. -Anonymous via Instagram 




Mark your calendar for Saturday, April 6, for our next "Five First Saturdays" Devotion to honor Our Lady of Fatima. On that day, join us to pray the Rosary and meditate for 15 minutes after the 8:00 a.m. Mass! For any questions, please contact Maria Alejandra at (626) 993-4236.




St. Therese Church has purchased a parish subscription to the Catholic media website, FORMED.ORG, for the benefit of ALL of you!  Discover all the best Catholic content in one place:  Entertaining movies, enlightening programs, inspiring talks, audio dramas, and a great selection of popular e-books--all just a link away!  To register, click on the image above.  Then, enter St. Therese Church, Alhambra, CA, click on it when you see it, and then enter your name and your email address--and get started enjoying all they have to offer! Click HERE to sign up.




Thank you to everyone who made a five-year pledge or a one-time donation to the Called to Renew campaign. (To go to the website, click HERE.)

For those who pledged, depending upon what time period you selected, you will receive notices in the mail every month, every quarter, or every year reminding you of your pledge.  The monies collected will allow St. Therese Parish to renovate our facilities. Fifty percent (50%) of all funds raised up to our goal will remain with our parish to address the following needs:  

• Church interior renovations  

• Painting the church Interior  

•Repairing the stained glass windows  

•Repairing the church’s tile roof  

•Repairing / updating the lighting/wiring  

•Repairing our school classrooms and parish offices (built over 70 years ago!)  



FR. ED BROOM, OMV,  gave four talks at St. Therese on The Acts of the Apostles. Click the picture above to watch them on our YouTube channel. The first one was recorded on May 5, 2022. 


During February through April, 2022, Fr. Ed Broom, OMV, was here at St. Therese to give ten talks on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius.  The talks were all recorded, and you may view them by clicking the above picture.  You will be taken to the page with the links to each talk and to the accompanying handouts for each talk.  (Note: Once you are on that page, you may have to scroll down until you find the same picture you see above.)  




Monday, June 3: 2:00-10:00 p.m.


The relic of St. Jude is on a worldwide tour, and St. Therese Church will be hosting it on MONDAY, JUNE 3RD!  The hours of veneration will be that day from 2:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. and then following the Mass until  10:00 p.m. (there will be a special line for the infirm, the elderly, and mothers with babies and/or toddlers). Those with handicap placards can park in the parking lot; all others should find street parking. 

During the viewing, there will be areas where you can purchase food and souvenir gifts/books.  

A special Mass will be celebrated at 7:00 p.m. When the Mass ends, veneration will resume until 10:00 p.m. You are encouraged to bring your religious medals/items to touch to the relic’s case (they will then be 3rd-class relics themselves).

We have approximately 120 people who will volunteer to help (ushering, gift shop, set up, food concessions). THANK YOU to all of you... your help on that day will ensure that it is a day to remember! For any questions, call or text the parish coordinator, Amber Cantong, at (626) 840-7250. St. Jude Thaddeus pray for us!  



SUNDAY, JUNE 2: Join us for a Eucharistic Procession following the 9:00 a.m. Mass for the Feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ.




After five years of diaconate formation classes, at which he was accompanied by his wife Karen, Parishioner Rex Owens and six others will be ordained to the Sacred Order of Permanent Diaconate by Archbishop Gomez on Saturday, June 8, at 9:00 a.m., at the Cathedral of the Angels. Due to space, admission is by ticket only. Rex has provided extra tickets for those who would like to attend. These tickets are available in our office; call to reserve your tickets or come by to pick them up. Rex and Karen would be honored to have YOU there! Also, Deacon Rex will assist at his first Mass on Sunday, June 9th, at our 11:00 a.m. Mass, followed by a luncheon reception in the Parish Hall. All are invited to come and show your support and love for our new deacon. 


Click on the picture above to read Fr. Matthias Lambrecht's latest newsletter about those discerning a vocation with the Carmelites (Fr. Matthias is the Vocation Director).  These vocations need your prayers as they continue their formation and discernment!  Offer your Masses and Holy Communions for them and pray for them before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.  God bless you!



Alma Cornejo, Principal of St. Therese Carmelite School, and former pastor, Fr. Thomas Koller, join Terry to discuss the definition and importance of a “classical” Catholic education in these most trying of times when our children are targets of an increasingly secular and amoral society. If you have school-aged children, take a look!  Just click on the picture above to access the video.



O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, who according to the will of the Father and with the cooperation of the Holy Spirit hast by Thy death given life unto the world, I adore and revere this Thy holy Body and this Thy holy Blood which was given over and poured forth for the many unto the remission of sins. O merciful Lord, I beg of Thy mercy that through the power of this sacrament Thou wilt make me one of that many. Through faith and love make me feel the power of these sacraments so I may experience their saving power. Absolve and free from all sin and punishment of sin Thy servants, Thy handmaidens, myself, all who have confessed their sins to me, those whom I have promised or am obliged to pray for, and so too those who themselves hope or beg to be helped by my prayers with Thee. Make our Church rejoice in Thy constant protection and consolation. Amen.    


  Enroll Today!   

Through Faith Direct you can make all of your contributions to St. Therese Church via automatic payment from your checking account or credit card--just as you may do now with your mortgage, household bills, and other monthly payments.  This is a great way to simplify your giving--as well as being very cost-effective and environmentally-friendly.  Of course, it's voluntary!  The first step is to enroll in the program.  To do so, click on the picture logo above.  You will then be taken to the Faith Direct website.  During your enrollment, you may choose from weekly donations, monthly donations, school donations, special collection donations, or one-time gifts.  To watch an instructional video, go to the Online Giving link (next to the HOME page link at the top of the page).  Thank you for your donations to St. Therese! May God bless you!



WATCH "LITTLE THINGS," by clicking on the photo below:  

Watch "CLASSICAL NEVER GOES OUT OF STYLE," by clicking on the photo below:  


Watch a short film, "THE VEIL REMOVED" (When Heaven Meets Earth), by clicking on the photo below:

Watch this CARMELITE VOCATION VIDEO by clicking on the photo below (features friars you know and love!)